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CC Canada August 2023 Newsletter


We are so happy to send you the English version of the newsletter. The French version is published in the middle of the month. Please share this issue with like minded Friends and Family, who may be in alignment.

There is so much to look forward to, and our Team is brainstorming new ways to engage with you! We will send out a survey in October, we need your feedback.

New: We have started to share the information and links for International Zoom gatherings, on Mighty Networks. This will become more frequent in the Autumn, as we want members to have the option of participating on International Zooms.


We are now just 11 days from our gathering at Souls Path, and there are about 15 tickets left. If you are planning to attend please register on our website, which has all the information, Celebration in Nature and send your Etransfer to . Tickets are $130 for the overnight and $100 for the day.

National Unity Gathering

This month the Spiritual Topic is Atlantis & Lemuria which we will explore at our National Unity Gathering on Sunday Aug 6th Register for the National Meeting here. You can find more information on this topic and the previous spiritual topics given by Becky and Chris, by going to Mighty Networks, Spiritual Topics here.

Our team is growing and we have new Small Group Leaders who are starting more In person Gatherings. Please check out our Upcoming Events page here to see our catalogue and what we are offering.

Special Guests

Grandmother Mulara

On October 5th at 7 pm edt we are very excited to host Grandmother Mulara , for a special Canada evening of knowledge. Grandmother Mulara registration is an Aboriginal Senior Lore Woman who also holds a Juris Doctor in colonial law. She walks two cultures and with two laws to bring through the New Dreaming, Wirritjin, prophesied by our old people a long time ago, a time when our traditional lore is returned in a new way, a time when ‘black and white’ (‘red’ and ‘yellow’, all of us) will walk together, and when everyone takes responsibility for themselves. That time is now.

Sue Cimino is joining us for an intimate connection on Nov 30th registration where she will share about her life journey and discovery of her "guys". Sue will also join us again in the new year to do a special Canadian clearing. The date for that event will be announced soon.

If you haven't explored Sue's work yet, please look at her Website here. Sue offers her work on a sliding scale or for Free, for CC members. Some of the team and I have been attending and we are noticing changes in our lives. The next Wholenss Alignment is Aug 25th at 7 pm edt. This is the prerequist to attend the other clearings that Sue makes available.

Community Contributions

If you have 5 + hours per month and you would like to contribute to envisioning and creating a resilient CC Community, we are still looking for help in the following areas:

Small Group Leaders: 15-20 hr per month - especially in the Maritimes, Quebec, Saskchewan and Manitoba.

National Admin Assistant: 20+ hrs per month

In house Marketing and Promotion 20+ hrs per month

Good Neighbour Project 5+ hours a week or willingness to share resources

Please contact: Shamira

or Sherri

Sending you much love,

Summer and the CC Canada Teams


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